Hydration and Electrolytes

Whether you are flowing in Hot Power or Spinning or enjoying any of the 100+ classes at Warrior One, it is crucial to maintain a healthy level of hydration throughout your workouts.   When you are continuously sweating and losing fluids throughout asana or spin practices, you need to REPLENISH by consistently taking in fluids. In addition to your normal water intake, WPY strongly suggests that you also drink electrolyte fluids throughout the day.  Please let us know if you have any questions! Be a YES for SWEAT and ELECTROLYTES!

We sell VEGA electrolytes at the studio.  They are VEGAN and non-GMO.  We are not sponsored by VEGA but LOVE this product.  https://myvega.com

Compassion Has No Boundaries

Warrior One is a proud sponsor of Kindred Spirits Sanctuary in Ocala, Florida.  Kindred Spirits is an animal sanctuary dedicated to ending the abuse and suffering of farm animals through direct rescue, advocacy and education. Check out their website below and see how you can make a difference in these animals' lives.  Warrior One will be scheduling a working tour of Kindred Spirits in the next few months. Let us know if you would like to come along!

"We seek to provide a place where people can connect with these sentient beings and discover their unique (and often humorous!) personalities."


Being of Service

Warrior One is INSPIRED and EMPOWERED to share in the experience of Page 15!  

"Page 15 works directly with students and the community to provide supplemental reading and writing programs to those who need it most. Through its innovative creative writing workshops and after-school tutoring services, Page 15 is committed to enhancing communication skills, encouraging personal creativity, and inspiring a lifelong passion for the language arts."

Kim and her students will be Co-Creating community and loving kindness on Wednesday afternoons at Page 15.  See for yourself how these dedicated people are Being the Change! 




Fire is Never Destroyed...It Only Circulates!


Before Ben Franklin began experimenting with the key and the kite, it was widely established that electricity consisted of two opposing forces.  Ben Franklin revealed that electricity consisted of a common element which he coined "electric fire."  He stated that electricity was fluid like liquid and passed from one body to another.  In a powerful statement, Franklin said that "fire only circulates and is never destroyed."  HEAVY DUTY Mr. Franklin! You IGNITE that power by staying present  in your breath and by doing the work!

Utkatasana translates from Sanskrit into "Powerful" or "Fierce Pose."  Like a Thunderbolt, channel your fire and electric current from within and AWAKEN into a more EMPOWERED you!  

Namaste Warriors.

Service is the Reward

Lao-Tzu describes SERVICE to others as one of the four cardinal virtues.  

Baron Baptiste teaches to be Grounded in Love, Gratitude and Service.

Wayne Dyer spoke of the profound SHIFT that takes place from wanting something  for yourself to wanting that same thing for someone else.  The authentic love and SERVICE required to do this turns your energy away from the drama of your ego and creates real possibilities for living your TRUTH.

What would your practice, your teaching, your home, your work, your life look like if you shunned Ego, Resentment, Resignation, Comparison and Competition and asked "How May I SERVE?"

"The greatest joy comes from giving and serving. That’s much better than the discomfort and distress of focusing exclusively on yourself and what’s in it for you. When you make the shift to supporting others in your life, without expecting anything in return, you’ll think less about what you want and find comfort and joy in the act of giving and serving. This giving, loving, serving person is the real you."-Wayne Dyer


It is no secret that The Grateful Dead have had a profound impact on my life.  The music and the Community are interconnected.  The audience has as much of an impact on the music as do the band members.  Each show was and still is a Conscious Organic Co-Creation as the Band and the Audience are always Open for Reciprocal Possibility !  An incorrect lyric sung or a missed note are greeted with cheers and "mistakes" are embraced with authenticity and transparency.  

Let's Co-Create on our mats!  Let's Co-Create the Best Version of Ourselves and Be Moved. Let's Do the Work.  Let's come from a place of Authenticity and as Baron Baptiste says, "Go from a Human Being Doing Yoga to a Human Being Yoga!"





Did you know that Warrior One is ALWAYS collecting non-perishable foods for families in need?  Through our partnership with JFS (Jewish Family Services) and the generosity of our Warrior Community, Warrior One has donated over 300 lbs of non-perishable foods for needy families in Orange and Seminole County.  Please bring what you can.  For every five items, Warrior One will present you with one free Guest Pass to share the gift of Yoga and Spin.

Creating Sankalpa in your life!

Sankalpa means to make a vow or commitment to living to your highest true self! San, translated is connection. Connection to yourself in all authenticity. Kalpa, means to vow, to stay accountable to what connects you to your truth.  

Sankalpa arrives when you are most willing and authentic with yourself. Sankalpa is THE desire for change without your EGO. Sankalpa will have everlasting benefits in your life. According to doctors who study the effects of Sankalpa, you can form it in two ways:

These positive daily mantras are affective on creating a LONGER, HEALTHIER, HAPPIER life!

Action is everything when wanting something different in your life! Baron Baptiste says, "Don't wish for it, work for it!" Have you noticed the studio is busier than usual? New Year Resolution-ists. Create a resolution for the new year, GO HARD in January, quit by February. Life happens, things come up, momentum slows down... and it happens all again the following year.

Now its time to BREAK THE CYCLE! 

You have a whole new year, a whole new story to write. Create Sankalpa in your life, commit, and discover your best life yet! It's possible.  Even a small step is a big step!



Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Pilgrim.

 Did you know that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Had a deep connection to some of the yogic principles?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a revolutionary man with a dream that changed the entire world. However, many people may not know that he was deeply influenced by the yogic teachings and nonviolence movement of Mohandes Gandhi in the 1950's. As a matter of fact, in 1959, Dr. King and his wife decided to tour India for 5 WHOLE weeks so that they can learn more about the teaching of Gandhi as well as speak with the leaders in the Government such as the Prime Minister.  His trip to India had a huge influence on his understanding of nonviolent resistance and his commitment for the civil rights movements in America. The "gandhians" loved him for his efforts to bring social change to the United States and the whole world by studying and learning their principles. 

Non violence, Sanskrit word ahimsa, is one of the 5 yamas we study in yoga. Ahimsa is the practice of non violence towards ourselves or others including physical, and or emotional violence.

Violence is the action done to yourself when you manifest thoughts of shame, judgement, or criticism. Those thoughts or actions turn outward, continuing the cycle of negativity and hate. Nonviolence is love. Nonviolence is compassion. Nonviolence is acceptance and truth. Nonviolence is the very reason Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was inspired to change the world! 

 "To other countries I may go as a tourist, but to India I come as a pilgrim."

Don't be afraid to dream. You just might change the world. Happy Martin Luther King Day!  

Turn your World Upside Down with Inversions!

Let's talk about Handstands and Headstands!  

Looking for something really AMAZING to help you kick off the new year? Try inversions!!!  Turning your head below your heart is one of the most beneficial things to do for your body. Inversions reverse the blood flow and improve circulation. So, you're STILL working! Just smarter! 

Did you know that inversions can be both ENERGIZING and RELAXING? Handstand, headstand, or forearm will bring fresh blood to your brain giving you instant energy and motivation! More relaxed inversions like shoulder stand & legs up the wall will calm the nervous system allowing feelings of balance and relaxation. Get stronger, gain confidence, feel empowered!!!!

Timid? Not sure if you want to come? Not sure if you are READY? Sometimes, it's really easy to let FEAR stop you from incredible possibility. What would it be like if you dropped that fear, just for a few hours, and gave something new a shot? Inversions are FUN! There is possibility for a whole new perspective on life! 

Come on, get excited to FLIP YOUR PERSPECTIVE! Join us THIS SUNDAY January 10th, 2016 at 2:30pm for an exciting Intro to Inversions! Learn the basics of inversions (or, up your current game!) and gain the confidence you've been looking for! Be PREPARED for transformation!

Get the Wheels Turnin' in the New Year!


Are you ready for transformation in 2016?
This year is going to be an incredible year at Warrior ONE and we are so glad that you are a part of our journey. Every month, we choose a POTM (Pose of the Month) to focus on. We study the benefits of the pose, Sanskrit translations, modifications, variations, and contraindications, and we share all of that knowledge with YOU when you come to class! For January, our pose of the month is Wheel! Wheel is ENERGIZING and UPLIFTING. It will light up your whole spine- think shot of espresso for your spinal column! ;)

Known as the "Chakrasana" or "Chakra Asana," Wheel opens and balances all of the 7 chakras. A whole month of that? We're setting you up for an amazing YEAR full of POSSIBILITY! When you're ready, POP right into WHEEL POSE to feel uplifted, inspired and full of energy!!!

Happy New Year, Warriors!  
