ORLANDO PRICING and links here:
Our BEST DEAL: The ONE Program = $119 monthly auto-pay unlimited all formats, all classes ($119) plus 3 guest passes to give to ANYBODY each month [no rollover!]
5 class package ($85) No expiration Date!
10 class package ($150) No expiration Date!
20 class package ($260) No expiration Date!
Drop In (single class) ($20)
Of course, if you are NEW to our studio, you should do the amazing New Student Special $49 for 30 days UNLIMITED classes. We have hundreds of classes per week. Try them all!
Our Best Deal: The ONE Program ~ $119 monthly auto-pay unlimited all formats, all classes ($119) includes 3 guest passes per month for you to hand out to anybody!
5 class package ($85) No expiration Date!
10 class package ($150) No expiration Date!
20 class package ($260) No expiration Date!
Drop In (single class) ($20)
Of course, if you are NEW to our studio, you should do the amazing New Student Special $49 for 30 days UNLIMITED classes. Try them all!
( 5-, 10-, 20-class packages are applicable to any class on schedule and do not expire.)
Our two most important principles at Warrior ONE are 1. to EMPOWER and INSPIRE all who walk through the doos and 2. we are ALL in this TOGETHER and we are ROOTING for you.
From very gentle to vigorous and adventurous, all of our classes are designed and taught with all humans in mind - there is something for everyone on the schedule and all are invited to everything. There are nearly 200 classes per week, so you'll definitely find something you love!
Please contact us via email at info@wearewarriorONE.com if you don’t find the information you need on any of our pages.
Sweaty Warrior! Move and Be Moved. Inspire your body, mind, and soul with this powerful, heated practice. All-levels, modify how you need!
Peace Warrior! Stretch. Let go of old patterns. Shift into space and ease. Slow, relaxed stay-cation to restore vitality and mobility. Prevent injuries. Clear your mind. Re-boot your energy and attitude. All-levels and Beginners. JUST SHOW UP.
Gentle Warrior! Move your body with kindness and breath. Enter tired… leave inspired. All-levels and Beginners.
Cardio Warrior! Momentum. Transformation. Spinning classes are available at both Dunedin and Orlando locations 7 days per week. You don’t need special shoes or anything. Just show up in sneakers or SPD clip-ons if you like. Great music and tons of energy and community will light you up for your week!
Spinning: Indoor Cycling is one of the BEST way to strengthen your legs, your lungs, your heart, and your life!
No experience necessary. Get here a little early if you don't know your settings on the bike, and we will set you up together for success.
You can wear sneakers. Firm-soled shoes are best. Or if you have clip-ons for the bike, we use SPD, the most common type. [NOT the type that come with Peletons :) ]
Bliss Warrior! Epic peace. Surrender to deep relaxation and Awaken refreshed from this guided meditation and breathing practice.
Core Warrior! Vigorous & Inspiring Power Yoga with a deep connection to your center…your guts. Be Gutsy. You got this. All-levels, modify how you need!
Foundations Warrior! Get moving and get inspired. Pace yourself. Learn the poses. Awaken your awareness. Simple and fun. All-levels and Beginners.
Flexible Warrior! This class is very similar to Cool Flow and includes a focus on hips and hamstring poses. Happy Hips and Hamstrings leads to happy lower back! Great for athletes, runners, and everyone!
Work your lungs, heart, legs, and mind! Row classes are available at both Dunedin and Orlando locations every single day. Our WaterRowers are sourced from Verified Sustainable Hardwoods and give the feel of authentic rowing on the water with the smoothest erg rhythm available. Rowing uses 85% of the muscles in your body. It's the MOST efficient workout around. And it focuses on your back-body power chain - your posture muscles.
Your coaches will guide you on technique points so you can feel great burning tons of calories and energizing your body, mind, and soul.
This is empowering and accessible for ALL people - totally low-impact and accessible even for those with injuries.
You will have fun and be inspired, and leave feeling empowered!
Flowing Warrior! Lots of moving and flowing coupled with occasional long holds. There is no heat in this class, but you could still sweat! Accessible and easy to modify for any and all levels.
Deep Warrior! Similar to yin in that poses are held for long periods of time, but this class is HEATED UP and you'll go a littttttttle bit deeper (and by little we mean... a lot!)
Mellllllowwww Warrior. Expect flowing movement, but sloowwww and chilled out. Also some yin-style long holds, supported by props (or not). This class comes HOT and COLD, both equally as amazing. All levels!
Confident Warrior! Change your life in 20 minutes. Increase confidence. Build bone density. Improve posture. Stoke your metabolism. Sculpt your life.
Fun Warrior! Kids play, pose, relax, craft, create, sing, and grow. And YOU can take a concurrent class right next door if you like! Ages 3-12
Spin and/or Row for a portion of class, and do strength training off the apparatus to cross-train. All levels welcome. Come as you are. Do what you can. Grow and Shift with us! Come a little early to get set up on the spin bike or rower if you are new to that format.
Note: You are responsible for maintaining a healthy level of hydration! Because you will be continuously sweating and losing fluids throughout asana practices, you should balance this by consistently taking in fluids. In addition to your normal water intake, we strongly suggest that you also drink electrolyte replenishment fluid daily. We have some electrolytes for sale, but it’s also crucial to have a good electrolyte intake BEFORE, DURING and AFTER your class.